osagie omono


osagie omono

11 months ago

( BY FSO.)

Every day on the street,
On the road to no where,
You could see faces of frustrations, dejection,
Depression and deprivation.
You could see hunger ravaging the land,
Like wildfire with no mercy upon it's victims.
Why? Why oh why?

We hunger for bread, yet we live amidst plenty,
We die of thirst unquenchable,
Yet surrounded by water abundance,
Why? Why? Oh why?

In a land blessed with untold abundance of resources,
Unfathomable wealth and riches,
Yet poverty covers the land,
Like the water cover the seas,
Why? Why? Oh why?

Best of the best of brains,
Manpower of great intelligence,
All in droves migrates daily to foreign land,
Why? Why? Oh why?

In the midst of plenty and abundance,
We live in scarcity and penury,
Men in high places and in low places,
Steals what till enternity they won't have need of,
The innocent suffers daily,
Languishing in prisons and jails,
While the guilty roam freely about,
Why? Why? Oh why?

So many talks, so many promises,
Promises good living,
Promises of sweet life,
At the end,
Life grows from bad to worse,
So many failed promise, yet we keep on bringing liers into authority,
Nothing changes,
From time to time,
All just remain the same,
Why? Why? Oh why?


11 months ago

morgan omotayo

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