Peter Mercy

Why I Don't Want To Be A Writer

Peter Mercy

2 months ago

Why do I have to be a creative? Why can't I be the safe me?
Yes, I want to write things that people can read and be affected
But I don't want to go through all the stress of letting myself bare
In the name of "writing a piece"

Yeah, this should be a problem. But I love my private thoughts to remain so
Public thoughts should also remain what it is,
Which is why novels and paid-for pieces are good to go
Because then I'd be writing their stories and thoughts, not mine.

Maybe this is not so healthy, God help me
But, to me, so is making your thoughts so bare- deadly!
And don't say you could always write without showing them
Because for me, writing is an important part of me that I can't hide things from
Once my pen touches the paper, thoughts and words become alive on their own...

I move.

2 months ago

Sunday Unwana

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