Why Do I Do What I Do?
Ike Miriam@miriamike208612
4 months ago
Why Do I Do What I Do?
Many times, I feel alive
Ready to leap, to chase my dreams,
I rise, I glow,
But then I stop.
I ask myself, why do I do what I do?
I love to dance, to let loose,
To sing like the world is listening,
To play like a child with no care.
But once again, I stop,
And the question haunts me,
Why do I do what I do?
I crave love; wild, untamed love.
To be free, to be me,
To savour life, to embrace the earth.
Yet every time I take a step,
I freeze,
And I ask again,
Why do I do what I do?
I thought I knew the answer
Found in the laughter, the closeness,
In the tangled threads of love.
But somewhere in the mix,
I lost myself.
I cry, I wish, I hope,
Yet, just when I think I've grasped it,
It slips through my fingers like the wind.
What is my crime?
I gave my heart, I fell in love,
But now, in all this hurt,
I ask myself again,
Why do I do what I do?