Praise Chukwuegu

Why are some guys afraid of commitment?

Praise Chukwuegu

1 year ago

Based on my own experiences and others opinion it seems like some men shy away from commitment for a few key reasons:

1. Fear of Losing Freedom: Commitment implies dedicating oneself to one person, and this can feel restrictive to some men who fear losing their independence and freedom

2.Painful Past experiences, either personally or witnessed in others, can leave emotional scars and a lingering fear of betrayal and heartbreak. Some leave scars that never disappers.This can lead men to avoid committed relationships and seek casual encounters instead, fearing the vulnerability of giving their all and facing disappointment.

3. Some men struggle with feelings of inadequacy, doubting their ability to be a good partner or provide for their significant other. This fear of judgment and comparison to others might push them towards non-committal relationships to avoid the potential for being cheated on by someone "better."


1 year ago

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