Whispers of gratitude in the era of inflation
Agboola  Olubukola

Whispers of gratitude in the era of inflation

Agboola Olubukola

11 months ago


"In the dance of desires, we often sway,
for more in life's intricate ballet.
But, hark! A melody, subtle and sweet,
A song of thanksgiving, our hearts entreat.

In the era of inflation, prices ascend,
Yet within our palms, provision we extend.
For with currency's grasp, sustenance we find, Choosing food o'er medicine, a blessing aligned.

Imagine a world where each morsel's a cost,
And life's elixirs in currency lost.
Yet, nature bestows, in abundance untold,
A bounty of blessings, more precious than gold.

God's canvas painted with resources divine,
A symphony of life, an intricate design.
In the face of challenges, let gratitude bloom,
A fragrant garden dispelling dark gloom.

The lament of lack transforms into a hymn,
A celebration of life, a radiant brim.
Nature's gifts, like treasures untold,
Await our discovery, in landscapes unfold.

In the tapestry of time, where challenges weave,
A heart attuned to gratitude learns to believe.
For in every hardship, a silver lining gleams,
A chance to unravel life's intricate themes.

So, let our anthem be one of thanks,
A chorus that resonates, breaking life's banks. Inflation may rise, frustrations may flare,
Yet within, a sanctuary of gratitude we declare.


11 months ago

Newyork Nerd

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Newyork Nerd @newyorknerd212423
This is a beautiful poem
11 months ago