Mercy Michael@mercymichael686000
5 months ago
When you are up
Never think that those
Below you are worthless
When you are up
Never think that you are
Better than those below you
When you are up
Never treat those below you
Like dirt
When you are up
Never think that those below
You will never make it to the top
When you are up
Never place yourself as God in the
Lives of those below you
When you are up
Never think that you can never
Be below like those you treat
Like trash
This is because life is like a ladder
It takes steps to get to the top and
It also takes steps to get to the bottom
Like the law of gravity, life may turn
Things around for you someday
You that is at the top today can be
At the bottom tomorrow
When that happens, you will get
To meet those who were below you
At that time, some of the people you
Left below, may be at the top
While you will be below
They might treat you just the way
You treated them when you were up
Now pause and ponder on this
" How do I treat those below me?"
" If the table should turn, would I
Be happy to receive the same treatment
I give to those below me?"
Was your answer positive or negative?
Think about this!
© Mercy Martey Michael