what's wasted?
Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju

what's wasted?

Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju

5 months ago

what's wasted?

quality time or
precious clime,
with both, be frugal.
the feet of time
is nimble, and with
wings so invisible,
time neither wait nor
call back, and clime
neither halt nor recede.
stand and ride with
the tide, each time
it rises to glide.
waste not money, it
maketh one a pauper.
waste not honey, it's not
easy for the bees to brew.
what's wasted,
blood or words? foods
goods or books?
It's not good, waste
not good or food, it
hurts the spirit mood.
it's not good, waste
not blood or word, it
wearies flesh and soul.
and waste not books,
for it's not good, it
deprives man of wisdom.
waste not love or emotion,
no, it's not right, it doth
depletes natural affection
what's wasted?
if it's time, you're tossed
out of line. if it's clime
you've fallen out of time.
what's wasted?
Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju.
06 October, 2024.
All Rights Reserved.

5 months ago

Newyork Nerd Abby  Saila Emmanuel Job Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju Adesanya Debo

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Newyork Nerd @newyorknerd212423
This is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these thoughts Akeem.
5 months ago

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Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju @akeemolabisiilupeju300449
Thank you for the beautiful comment. Thanks for acknowledging the piece!
4 months ago
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Abby Saila @sailaabby718822
I literally had to pause for some seconds 'cos this has been what's on my mind lately. Thanks a lot for sharing
5 months ago

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Akeem Olabisi Ilupeju @akeemolabisiilupeju300449
Thoughtful minds think alike! I must appreciate you for giving your quality time to read through.
4 months ago