What is the truth about our exitstence?
Noble otamiri@nobleotamiri855179
1 year ago
Energy! This is the unified feild of which all things emanates, energy is everything! Energy is space, it is time, and energy is matter. Energy is the framework, the pure essence of which the universe was forged! energy is the fundamental inscripted force of the universe. Energy is infinite, insubstanciated, formless, void, genderless, unrealistic, the true reality, energy is light, darkness, good and evil. Energy is all, energy is infinite, energy is conciousness, energy is awareness, energy is Intelligence! Energy is the singularity! energy is one. Energy can nither be created nor destroyed, it's the nothingness through which matter can exist from one form to the other.We are traped in the illusion of the matrix, traped to think that there is a separation of all we can see in our observable universe including all we cannot relate to at the quontum plane of existence! We Intelligences are that energy, that absolute and universal conciousness beyond all you can observe, we are only experiencing ourselves in unique diversities, in unique perspective of Intelligences. We are only one singular energy expressing ourselves in the diverse omniversal forms of animation.Are we truly homo sapiens? Animales only traped within the basal instinct of ego and pride??I say no! We are the illumunati, we all should be enlightened, we are gods, pure awareness. The ultimate point of our evolution( Omega point) is to come into this unified state! To merge with the energies that fabricated this cosmos! To become free, one with the universal conciousness! Man was created to learn love from hate, to realize order from chaos and to know good from evil.