Reubendaniel  Joy


Reubendaniel Joy

10 months ago

My experience yesterday with a particular man in my neighborhood made me pick up my pen this morning.
I came out of the house around 12:45pm to pickup something in the street only to see a baby of around four to five months left under the sun with her hands and legs tied up and a man seated watching the baby cry. I met two women talking with the man, begging him to take the baby inside but the man was insisting that the baby stays under the sun. His reasons are " the baby cries a lot and the mother is always pampering her, so, i brought the baby out so she would see for herself that the world is not easy " who does that?
I looked around to see the mother but she was not there I guess she was tied up inside too.. but, I didn't pity the woman, tears rolled down my face because of what that man was making that innocent child go through. I didn't pity the woman because the same man has been married to five women and they left him, this woman got married to him without asking why the others left...
This event got me thinking. How I wish ladies will understand that when they get married to a man, that they are not just getting married to a man's physical looks but most importantly his sense of reasoning, his mindset, and generally his understanding of life. A man's sense of reasoning shapes his words, actions and attitude. So, before you jump into that relationship take your time to see the man's sense of reasoning or thinking pattern.
A man's sense of reasoning is seen through his words and attitude. So, before you think of just "getting married", can you think of the future you will create with such man. Yes, the man is ok for you as a husband but is he going to be ok for your kids as a father.... You are not just getting married to him as a husband but you are bringing into your world a man that will father your children, and let me remind you, the word "father" is not a title but responsibility.
So, before you enter that relationship think of the future you would create with that man
A real life story...


10 months ago

Reubendaniel  Joy Agbinya Mario Gabriel Amarachi  Anastasia  Okoro Emmanuel Job Evang   Okexvaret  Michael Nwankwo Chinedu ifenkwe chioma

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Evang Okexvaret Michael Nwankwo Chinedu @nwosufaith292849
Wow Women should do better abeg
10 months ago

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Reubendaniel Joy @reubendanieljoy066189
thank you sir
10 months ago