Until the end of time
Peace chetachukwu  Alor

Until the end of time

Peace chetachukwu Alor

8 months ago

Love is a beautiful rhyme,
A melody that lasts for all time.
It's a feeling so deep and true,
A connection between me and you.

When we're together, all cares fade away,
In your arms, I want to always stay.
Your touch is like a sweet caress,
Filling me with a sense of bliss.

In your eyes, I see a world of dreams,
A love story that forever gleams.
With each beat of my heart, I know,
Our love will continue to grow.

Through highs and lows, we'll always be,
Two souls intertwined, for eternity.
Love is a rhyme that never fades,
A bond that never breaks or degrades.

So let's cherish this love, every day,
And let our hearts forever sway.
In this beautiful love rhyme,
You and I, until the end of time.


8 months ago

Peace chetachukwu  Alor

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