Imabong Faminu


Imabong Faminu

6 months ago

Africa, My Africa
My beautiful beleaguered maligned continent
Besieged and beguiled; muffled and marooned
Raped and forgotten; Left adrift and exposed
Chained down by a chequered past and an inglorious history
Like a newborn squirming in its birth blood and slime
With none to clean, salt, swathe and comfort

Africa, My Africa
My beautiful misunderstood continent
Unwillingly colonized, chained and enslaved
Her treasures and riches unjustly stolen
Her people mortgaged for mere trinkets
And carted off to plantation steads and uncertain futures
Her bright future ripped away from her breast

Africa, My Africa
Stately and proud; rich and full
Brimming with potential but beclouded
Chained down by division, war, poverty and ignorance
Unwanton hatreds, superstitions, repressions and lack of advancement
Selfish interests destroying
Sewing seeds of strife and avarice

Africa, My Africa
Your blessings were made curses
Greed and selfish interests causing you to turn one upon another
For minerals, raw materials and resources
That heaven gave to bless and uplift
Turning the Fatherland into a graveyard of blood and bones

Africa, My Africa
Hear the call and arise
You must stand tall and united
To break the bonds and chains
Of regression, retrogression, suppression
Aggression, Miseducation, tribalism,
Undevelopment, underdevelopment and colonial mentalities

Don't sit and bewail your lot
Stand up, fight and pushback
With education; with enlightenment
With technological advancement;
With manufacturing and trade
With strong economies and strong currencies
With strong leadership and political and social institutions
With justice and truth
Making countries our young people are proud to call home

Let the clarion call be
We will not be banished into the night!
We will not exist just to be raped of our resources then forgotten !
We will not be forever recipients of aid and castaways!
We will not be a continent ever in need of political supervision and policing!
We will not be back benchers in the comity of nations!

We stand!! We move !! We progress!!
We Arise !! Africa Arise !!

© Faminu Imabong

#poetry #AfricaUnchained #PlayMyPart #UntangleAfrica #nirclepoetry #nirclepoetrycommunity

6 months ago

Ezinne Ekwueme Amarachi  Anastasia  Okoro

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