***Twice Strayed***
Kingsley Bassey Ukpong@kingsleybasseyukpong131493
7 months ago
Twice Strayed
Darkness blends with the light
Eternal hope beaded in strings
The acolyte of the soul’s deepest desire
Lurked, caged
In the labyrinths of the heart.
First before dawn ever was vernal
Before the first streaks of light bore dawn and twilight
In the forlorn region of dusk
The heart had strayed to such carnal delights
In the bliss of Eden.
First t’was Adam
And from thence, there’s been no turning back
Eve gave the fruit
But what gives her daughters to our demise?
Twice strayed!
The eyes of man beholds his beautiful death
In the shining brilliance of her silhouette
The frame of her soul
In beauty tangles the heart of man
With the vernal chain of love
Or lust for who knows the strangeness of the heart.
This and again, twice strayed!
JBK Baruch
6th June, 2023