Turmeric: The Golden Herb of Wellness
Lambe-Rohi  Bethel-Gold

Turmeric: The Golden Herb of Wellness

Lambe-Rohi Bethel-Gold

2 months ago

Day 6

Turmeric is a herbal plant and they are related to the ginger family.

Turmeric is known to have originated from India and southeast Asia.

Turmeric is a key herb in traditional Indian medicine where it's used to treat various ailments and it's beneficial in relieving pain.

Turmeric was used in Hindu rituals because of its purifying properties.

Turmeric, as I mentioned earlier is used to treat pain, inflammation, digestive issues and infections

Turmeric is used as a major ingredient in curry powder for it's color and flavour and also an ingredient in many cuisines, added in smoothies and made as tea.

Aside from being used for food and treatment, it's also used for beauty such as face masks, scrubs, skin toning, acne treatment etc.

As good as Turmeric is with it's many benefits, it also can leave a bad stigma on you when misused or consumed in unreasonably high quantities. This can leave you with an upset stomach and many other issues.

Now, we are aware of the benefits of this herb and how good it can be to us when used appropriately and its downside when used unreasonably.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you learned one or two things.

See you in the next post 🤗


Photo credit: Skin Kraft - .com%2Fblogs%2Farticles%2Fbenefits-of-turmeric-for-glowing-skin&psig=AOvVaw16VozXGhVO2dCf20yvXtc1&ust=1733417947444000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCICKmp3LjooDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE


2 months ago

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