"True Love Lasts Forever"
Bornfaith Godstime@bornfaithgodstime910173
1 year ago
Feelings is an alcohol,
She highs and controls,
A little of her is more
powerful than alcohol.
Feelings intoxicate,
Her aroma arouses her acquirer.
Feelings is an image,
That shows you only one person.
Feelings is a street,
You get to see only one house.
Feelings deceives,
She could make you
marry the wrong person.
Feelings are like a jet
She drives you high and fast.
Feelings are like a traffic light,
She controls your movement,
Tells you when to go,
And when to stop.
Feelings are like water
She dries up when hit by the sun.
Feelings is an alcohol,
A fleeting emotion,
That leaves your heart broken.
Go for "TRUE LOVE"
Love isn't fleeting,
She lasts forever.
I am Poetified Ogechi