Troubled silence
micheal morgan

Troubled silence

micheal morgan

6 months ago

#Troubled silence

Troubled silence

peaceless!! peaceless!
Time loops over me!
sinking into chaos, ready to flee
but locked deep in distress

silence! silence!!
the siren of solace
sounds loud, peace stolen away
echoes of the mind, now endless

one at a time
each tone of sadness
can't help but leave me helpless
like chords of a melancholic rhyme

Not a day of judgement
but I hear it loud
my pains like a thunder cloud
yet I'm silent as a monument

priceless, peaceless!!
how much does it cost
to buy back a peace, I lost
before sinking into this sirt of troubled silence!!


6 months ago

Chalya Goli Becky Oludayo Peleowo Abby  Saila

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Becky Oludayo Peleowo @beckyoludayoadenuga426965
Indeed you are gifted with the ability to craft words in ways that moves. This poem seems to le like the lament of one who's heart is weighed down by some guilt and efforts to find peace seems futile. The rhetorical question, how much does it cost to buy peace back? does confirm this.
6 months ago

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micheal morgan @michealmorgan028179
Thanks Becky the wordsmith, we all hope we are speaking and not shouting. This time all deaf looters must listen
6 months ago