TOP Notorious Street Food in Nigeria
Gloryfavour MightyImmanuel

TOP Notorious Street Food in Nigeria

Gloryfavour MightyImmanuel

10 months ago


This has been said to be the food for “Common man”. In this regard, a common man does not signify one without Wealth or Money, but basically means a man with a common ground. Accepter of ALL, Rejecter of Non.

It is also known as Another Nigerian Staple, Fast Food etc.
However the commonness of this, it’s preparation differs when served on the street.
On the Street, it is mostly Broken into tiny strands and then added into and already boiling water. It is left for 5mins and then the water is sieved. The noodles is further fried and the condiments are further added into the meal (Pepper, onion, etc). This is the Hallmark of its preparation

The meal is either served in a Takeaway or in a Ceramic plate as shown in the photo above.

📍Calabar, Nigeria

10 months ago

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