TOP Notorious Street Food in Nigeria
Gloryfavour MightyImmanuel@mightyimmanuelgloryfavour290297
9 months ago
Bole and Fish refers to “Roasted Plantain” and Smoked fish.
The preparation of this meal varies with Region as has its distinctive nature accompanying it.
The Plantain is usually scarred and then roasted with Mild heat to produce its Golden nature. It is usually sold paripaso with Fish or Chicken on the side.
It is served within an Aluminum foil paper and sometimes served along side a ceramic plate to contain the Oil from the sauce.
For Asthetics, Vegetables can added just like the above photo
NOTE: Regardless of this meal being served with a small portion of sauce, it can also be served with Groundnut, Fresh Palm oil etc (This is Location based)
📍Calabar, Nigeria