Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago
People who don't understand think I'm money,
They're unaware and wrongly funny.
How can I be that?
Which can be stolen, duplicated, and counterfeited.
I can never be money.
You can't steal me, yet money can be stolen.
You can spend me, but can't hoard me.
Because I belong to everyone.
You can put me in your pocket,
And still find me in the arms of
another person.
Both the rich and the poor have the same quantity of me.
Life is too short to waste me.
I am LIFE itself.
Those who waste me end up with regrets.
Use me wisely, and cherish our moments together.
The day you die, it means your time here is up
And begins in the hereafter again.
#Hellonircle #poetry #nirclestories #mynirclecommunity

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago