Time: A Friend and An Enemy
Teddy Dadzie Matthew

Time: A Friend and An Enemy

Teddy Dadzie Matthew

10 months ago

Some doctrine has it that, the world was created using mathematics. Yes, this is quite debatable because of the numerous ideologies that, each and every human or an entity possesses. Numbers have been with humans since creation. The first, greatest and most powerful is 2 (Pair). This is with regards to all creatures on earth having male and female respectively.
Let take a pause and acknowledge this globally accepted mathematics with regards to humans and numbers. Originator of the "tangible time". We have 7days=1week, 365days=1year, 60sec=1min, 60min=1hour and 24hours=1day.

We use "tangible times" to evaluate and forecast physical daily activities. Everyone has its own definition for time. Well, I will say time is the spiritual notification for every human. There was time before Humans were created. The real time is felt by your inner being. They communicate and it appear physically; named Growth. Time always stays close to growth. Your time consumption and its effective utilization will reflect on your growth. Time aids your inner being to be friendly to growth or not. These inseparable allies might have an everlasting effect on an individual who tends to misuse them.

In other words, time is a commodity with no price tag. Therefore, making it impossible for humas to have a bargaining power. Discount allowed on time is its effective management and utilization.

In conclusion, time serves as a life referee for humans. it regulates the games of life. All aspects of life need time in other to effectively function. Just as we use stopwatch/clock in a racing competition to determine how fast you run, so as Time will also determine how fast or slow you are running in real life.


10 months ago

Anumnakachukwu  chinemerem

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