They say you can say anything with flowers
Anne Iyiola@anneiyiola910527
11 months ago
Tabitha, devastated by the loss of her love to stage four leukemia, hadn't been able to eat or even stand, despite being pregnant. Diagnosed late, the doctors were helpless. Consumed by grief and haunted by hallucinations, she felt herself slipping away. As she clutched her stomach, rereading the invitation to his burial, her hands trembled.
Entering the adorned garden, awash in colorful blooms, a video played on a tablet held by a bodyguard.
"Hi baby, happy birthday," his voice filled the air. "I know you'll be grieving, but I don't want that. So, I decided to celebrate for you."
As she walked forward, she was presented with bouquet of flowers. "I know you love flowers," he continued on the video. "Daisy symbolizes your innocence, which I adore. Calla lilies represent your beauty, my beautiful love. Crocuses reflect your cheerfulness, something I always cherished.
Dandelion symbolizes happiness, because I always want you to be happy.
Chrysanthemums speak of my love for you. I love you both so much. Please take care of yourself for me." Tears streamed down her face.
Tabitha felt so loved, she really wished he was here. " We love you too" she whispered
They say you can say anything with flowers, get your flowers from these tagged stores
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