Ogunbanwo Oluseyi

There's still a second chance

Ogunbanwo Oluseyi

1 month ago

*There's still a second chance*

A second chance there is
His prerogative it is
His compassion displayed
His forgiveness arrayed

Ate the outlawed food with the gifted rib
Courted His wrath and became an outcast
Banished from the home that gives all
The seed of the woman ensured a second chance

Known for his tendency even from the womb
Got his brother's share before their father went to the tomb
Lived with the conscience of fear without reprieve for decades
A second chance obtained after the gruelling match with an angel

Notorious for power without brawn
Enemies shivered when battles were drawn
Fell to the lust of the flesh like a baited prawn
Got a second chance and secured victory at dawn

Lost her intimate rib to circumstances undefined
Stuck to the rib's mother even when situation appeared hopeless
Diligent on the field among his family, refined
A rare second chance won with a generation of the peerless

What shall we say about he born of a praying father?
Became a king and turned the kingdom to another
Became a fugitive for spurning the warning of the Lord
Got a second chance after repentance passing through the rod

Loved by his Lord and adored by his people
But despicable was his act which was beyond simple
Faced the repercussions but never left his Maker
Got a second chance, became a reference breaker

Behold him who ruled his world with a clenched fist
Furious with the subjects who opposed his way
Got drunken with power boasting of his prey
Got a second chance after turning a beast

Stole away from his master at the slightest air of freedom
But got refined after a chance meeting with the Apostle
Became a lamb willing to return to the 'castle'
Got a second chance became profitable in the kingdom

Death was nothing if it's the price to pay for his master
Sworn to fight and do anything to avoid a disaster
Buckled under pressure negative were the word he muttered
Got a second chance and fed the sheep in the cluster

Resisted and rebuffed the entreaties of his father
Grabbed the bequeathed goods and bolted several miles further
Squandered the property and became a slave to another
Got a second chance from a father whose love is a wonder

Thought hope was lost while waiting for his transition
His punishment deserved as he pilfered from the people
But turned his side and sought forgiveness from the Saviour
Got a second chance, promoted to paradise

A second chance there is if only you turn
The only way to live if to His way you return
Always willing to forgive if the devil you spurn
Grab the chance and let the peace of mind return

-Oluseyi Ogunbanwo.


1 month ago

Ako Philemon

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