The ongoing Construction and remodeling of Potiskum local Government Lodge by _Hon. Salisu Muktari
ibrahim muhammad nura@muhammadnuraibrahim848393
1 month ago
The executive chairman of Potiskum local government Hon. Salisu Muktari is currently Re-constructing and remodeling of Potiskum local government lodge.
The Potiskum Government Lodge was first constructed in a year 1974, and since then it has not been updated or provided with a system that is in line with the times, only Hon. Salisu Muktari tried to update and modernize the local government own Lodge that was established so many years back.
Hon. Salisu Muktari testified that "we have to revive everything that belongs to our local government, we will not look at things that are being destroyed and neglected previously, because everything that is said to be of the government is directly for the community and therefore it is in Our plan to revive the dead areas owned by the local government in order to modernize our local government area and bring back our strong economy.
"Also Renovating and reforming the local government lodge It is part of our plans to revive all the government properties in order to provide our local government with sources of income and to improve our town by providing safe and quality accommodation for our guests." Hon. Salisu Muktari said
The architect Alhassan Adamu Potiskum, who is the engineer managing the project, testified that:
"We are getting enough resources to carry out our work safely, and we will work hard to ensure that we do our work effectively and on time.
"Certainly, after the completion of this project, the Potiskum local council will be at the forefront of providing a good and quality environment for its guest's because we will provide sufficient electricity, water and all other infrastructure, and the chairman has made great efforts by providing the road that comes out so far from Kano road up to the government lodge with sufficient solar street lights." Architect Alhassan Adamu said
Renovating the guest house will provide peace and tranquility in the hearts of the people because it will be a part that will boost the economy and generate enough income for the local government of Potiskum.
An electric power transformer has been provided to provide sufficient electricity inside and boreholes have been provided to provide sufficient water along with these modern street lights have been provided.
Mal. Ibrahim M Nura
Special Assistant on Information and communication to the executive chairman of Potiskum local government area.