The One Thing
Mufasa Young@youngmufasa989573
4 months ago
The last thing I want is to force issues
I've been there, did that, nothing worthwhile was conceived
Disappointments got me cursing
It's like an opportunity slipped away.
Maybe I'm destined for one night stands
Maybe it doesn't have to last that long.
But life's distress got me craving for intimacy
I long for those endless conversations with my better half
I yearn for that simple life, those endless smiles and laughter,
I have the mindset of a king, so my bed's king-sized
I can afford all the pretty ladies in the streets,
But no, I only crave for a connection,
something that runs deep,
deeper than the roots of Shakespeare's inspiration,
something money can't buy,
some form of intimacy;
with a certain level of peace of mind and a sense of humour
My heart's already statically charged, I need bonding
The only hindrance is my solitude nature
Never wanting to open up, always lazy to commit
Too many texts and missed calls,
several unread messages and ignored chats
My only fear; letting people in, all including my blood
Maybe it's my nature,
or maybe I tolerated it for so long; it turned into an habit.
So here I am, torn between wanting love and being scared of it.
I crave a connection that goes deeper than the surface, but I keep holding back.
I miss the comfort of having someone by my side,
But I've built my walls high, and I'm too guarded to let anyone in.
And because of that, I end up alone,
Stuck in this struggle of wanting something I'm too afraid to chase.
#HelloNircle #NircleStories #poetry #nirclefeeds #nirclecommunity #love #poemoftheday #intimacy #poeticjustice #trending #MUFASA