The  penwoman_A.P


The penwoman_A.P

7 months ago

Good morning, fellow go-getters, it’s a slow morning and if you’re anything like me you’re struggling to get yourself up from the warm side of your pillow..

As you drag yourself out of bed and into the grind, I have a challenge for you - dare to be more than just another Paper in the machine.
Incase you’ve forgotten your life long dream isn’t a 9-5 ounce pay with no retirement plan.

Too many of us have resigned ourselves to playing it safe, burying our dreams in favor of someone else's vision. #Nirclestory #poetry
We've become masters of making excuses - I'm too old, How old is too old?
I don't have the money, I'm not qualified. But deep down, we all know the true reason we don't pursue our passions: fear.
Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what others might think. #monday These doubts have a way of paralyzing us, of locking us into a life we never truly wanted. And #motivation twenty years from now, that is what will haunt us the most.

Not the risks we took, but the risks we didn't. The experiences we missed out on. The dreams we buried beneath the weight of our anxieties.

Your Monday motivation today is your inner child and all that they aspired to be’.
So I implore you - be bold. Be courageous. Dust off those ambitions you've kept tucked away and start building a life that sets your soul on fire. Because the greatest tragedy is not falling short of your goals, but never even having the courage to set them in the first place.

This is your one wild and precious life. Don't let it slip away as you spend your days servicing someone else's vision. Create your own path, pursue your own passions, and watch as the world opens up before you.

The risk may seem daunting, but the alternative - a lifetime of regret - is far worse. So take that first step, my friends. The rest will fall into place.#HelloNircle

Now get out there and make today worth remembering. The you of twenty years from now is counting on it.

7 months ago

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