


14 hours ago


If Love and Perfection are not part of the substance of life and the ingredients to wonderful living then a portion wouldn't be created for it in the Bible
To tell how important Love is, about three books were dedicated to this genre in the holy Bible
The Wisest King was witnessed to have written three thousand Proverbs and one thousand and five songs whose majority are Love and Perfection (1 king 4:32)
Of what importance is Love and Perfection to a Christian life that a lot of attention was given to it? And this made other prophetic books to be excluded from the composition of the holy book examples the Maccabees, Sarah, Tobi etc
As a Christian, the truth is you cannot exist outside love. Love is Christ, Christ is the Church and the Church is the Husband. As it is the duty of the husband to love his wife and the wife to be submissive to her husband. So is the body of Christ the Church and the followers. (Ephesians 5:22-25)
As we the followers are submissive under Christ the Church (as His wives), we are nurtured to be perfect and to love unconditionally.
Another essence of Love is, it makes us perfect (1 John 4:17). Since love is the greatest, inarguably it covers all sins and makes us bold in the day of judgement. Love pacifies all things.
Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life: no one comes to the Father except through ME (John 14:6). What is that life? What is the Truth? What is that Way? What kind of life did He teach us? Jesus taught us the life of His Father and how He reciprocates that same life and needs us to continue in the same act,
In (John 15:9) As the father has loved me so have I loved you: continue ye in my love (that's the Life). So until one Loves wholeheartedly and genuinely, no one can come to the Father through Jesus. Because Jesus is the way which is Love, which leads to salvation, the Life.
In evaluation, Jesus is the Truth communicated through Love, the Way which is the act of Love in perfection and the Life which leads to salvation .
May the grace of God support us to love more as we abide in His words in Jesus name. Amen

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Happy Sunday

14 hours ago

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