The Lagos Lesbians
Tresh Cobhams@treshcobhams075212
1 year ago
I became restless after realizing the whole of me desperately longed to have Fina, and I was unable to tame the desperation. I was against what I suddenly began to feel for a woman like myself. Lesbianism was too long-winded and convoluted for me because of how the society perceived it - and how one could handle it and achieve the satisfaction I was familiar with – the thrusts that made me moan, quiver and fluid.
Bayo had smacked me to the height I needed and he tried all day to retain me in the plateau of sexual ecstasy. He came in different styles. He had gonged me energetically until I felt drained, you know empty, heady and immobile; until I craved for rest, rest, rest and rest. As I drove and sang in shows and studios I felt the cramps of Bayo’s thrusts between my thighs. When I weighed myself it’s obvious I was full and had no any reason whatsoever to go haywire. And it’s the more reason I kept facing myself as it struggled to absorb depraved layers. Delve into lesbianism. Love a lady as me.
When we talked about love on the balcony of my Lekki-Lagos terraced Mansions my ex Bandele said love is bigger than us and it’s wired to navigate us in its own's term, I said ‘you lie’; I will never follow the whims of love if it wafts me towards a terra incognito, I will halt and face it. I need an oasis of colourful butterflies, if love pushes me towards cracks of thorns I will stll it “ and he said you will never be able to conquer love, it can move you to any direction. It’s like a dictatorial emperor. It can make us to love anything, anyone.
I disdained lesbianism, that girl-to-girl, woman-to-woman stuff but as I caught my body plummeting in the thought of having Fina and I was unable to overpower the urge I realized I needed to forgive the lesbians; (for this sort of love was , fierce, overpowering, and vigorous like tonado hitting and rolling me off my thinking faculties)
I felt Fina always. All about her absorbed me and when Bayo fucked me, it was her face I kept seeing. When he’s done, unlike when I yarned for more I would rise , step into my home studio and sang her sonorous songs. Bayo would say , Babe, this is not you ,I will say Adult, it is me and no one else
Bandele said a fact about love is that when we see love we want to grab it at once. In other words when you see someone you earnestly love the urge to get the individual at once saturates the whole of the mind.
Bandele's right. I realized the hot lass saturated my mind and I was only marking time with Bayo and decided to approach her. The day I met Fina was Plavet Studio's Lets-Roll-Like-This-And-That-Day and she was pouring punches in a hit chorus in the Signed-Artists-Vocal-Booth. I nervously sat on the Capri-coloured at-work-artists’ sofa and admired her well-toned face reflecting through the gold-framed partitioning glass. When she’s out I led her to a corner of the studio. When I whispered my feeling to her ear, how she’s burning me, how the love was an epiphany, something sudden, something i can’t help, can’t understand, can’t link to her voluptuous body or incredible talent she turned , hissed and said
‘you are horrible if you are trying to tell me you are a lesbian and as for the love it’s weird , queer, please kill it. It is not needed in Nigeria.
As she stepped into the vocal booth shrugging her shoulders I pinched my skin for disclosing the shit. But I loved her and prayed she understood sooner that my love for her might to her be weird but to me a self-healing epiphany. Shame-laden, I decided to avoid Plavet studio. Bayo demanded to know why I choose to stay in the house all day I said am bushed and needed some rest. I thought about Fina all day. She took me away. We made love in my dreams and when Bayo petted my breasts and kissed my lips expecting me to reciprocate as I had habitually done ; A brisk python roll on his rigid nakedness , sucking the tilts of his hairy breasts, his rock-hard and straight penis then absorbing him I would slip away from his arms, face the other side of the bed and slept till dawn dreaming about Fina
Bandele said you always long to have your love even when it’s despising you- I said you lie, if my love despises me I’d let it go. We are not meant to be
Bandele’s right, i was wrong. As I talked with Fina on phone , chatted with her on whatsap, facebook and twitter and received invectives I felt prepared to receive more until I have her succumbing to my urge so suicidal. I wanted to go back to work but the zeal diminished as Producer Plavet and my boss who called me daily stopped doing so. I assumed Fina had blown the gaff and I had become vile and horrible in the studio. I feared I will have to stand what the lesbians have got to face for loving the beings they choose to love. Love is love no matter who people decide to love but I knew I will never be allowed to be, just as I and other sighed artists in the studio had finished the celebrity singers who indulged in this act. We had viewed the lesbians the way the society viewed them. We called them devil-sent ghastly cretins and godless dummies too weak to control their libidos and we said they’d all burn in the depth of hell.
I was in the VIP guestroom of my Lekki-Lagos house arguing with Bayo when Producer Plavet called, my heart leapt seeing his name on the screen of my phone. I feared he will bark and howl at me, I hesitated from picking the call. Bayo scowled his face and ordered me to pick the call and speak louder. I only stared at him.
Bandele said when you really love someone peoples’ disdain of you for loving the person will only fall on deaf ears.
Bandele was right. I hissed and picked the call feeling brutally prodded, I expected him to render things he had flung on a black-American lesbian ‘a fucking sepulchral bitch’ ‘a vile chump’ ‘a clueless, crass entity’. But his baritone was unruffled and mild as usual. He asked if i was good to go, I knew what that meant, a cliché I loved inserting in the intro of my tracks, and he’s using it to ascertain if i was strong enough for work. He announced he wished I could show up in the studio, Fina had just forwarded a song that blew everyone in the studio away and to give an edge to the song my tenor and ajasa-power will be needed. Meaning I will be collaborating with Fina.
I was excited but I was not satisfied. I was still scared, I felt something lingered in his mouth that has not been uttered. Begging to be uttered. I asked ‘any other thing’ shaking, Bayo wandering what’s wrong with me, his eyes dilating like the eyes of a dog having a human finger stroking her nunu. Producer Plavet said nothing more, mumbled a few things I should inform Bayo before ending the call. I dropped the phone on the blue sofa where I had picked it , whooshed past Bayo who was trying to remind me we were still bickering on why I will always lay there like a log of wood and do nothing as he fucked me and darted into the bathroom.
As I turned on the shower, Bayo was yelling like an entrapped pug by the bathroom door swearing to kill me if I come out and tried passing him again without telling him why I suddenly lost the vitality he enjoyed in our love making.
Bandele said when two voices assail us and one belongs to the one we truly love, we free the voice of our love to dominate the other.
Bandele’s right. As Bayo, my legally married husband yelped and squawked by the door Fina’s song, her angelic female soprano effortlessly transported me down another realm of bliss, the territory of lesbians where they were free; kissed, fingered each other on concourse places , subways , cinema houses and ATM stands without disdain and scorn. But a louder bark from Bayo, the dog, jolted me off the electrifying reverie. When I opened the corrugated-iron door he was blocking it in Christ-on-the-cross pattern and no sight was more disgusting and annoying.
Bandele said you don’t expect your lover to be happy when you are telling him/her you have another love you’d die loving.
Bandele said this the Lekki big-house balcony the day I told him I have someone in my life, the man I love so much and the man is Bayo. He was barking and i asked him ‘why are you barking like a dog?’ and that was his reply.
Bandele's right. I don’t except Bayo to be excited. I must get to the studio before quarter pass twelve. So, facing Bayo and stretching things to the end as I wished will only keep my Fina waiting; I threw my right hand around his neck , pulled him to my body, losing the velvety towel around my slim body with the other hand, kissing and biting his lips. The dog soon set himself on fire. I angrily slipped out of his wet grips, backed him, leaned out for the edge of the bathtub lower in front of me and posed like a dog for him. Bayo hissed and smacked me hard; as soon as the pooch climaxed I darted into my room, dressed up, applied enough mascara and wear the best of my perfumes. I will have to impress my love.
Inside my Prado jeep, turning down Block six predominated by my fans I wonder what people will say of me. Jibike Bashorun a lesbian! I did not wine my glasses down and return greetings in the half of Block six lane as usual I only slow the the vehicle to acknowledge their praises then speed off.
I would talk to Fina one-on-one again about my love for her and I would be the happiest woman on earth if she indulged me, kissed me and asked me if we could go out for lunch. I drove into the terrazzo-floored veranda of Plavet studio house Eleven fifty-three, some minutes to twelve, my target. I hugged few of my fans and well-wishers buying and selling in the mini-marts on the first floor and climbed up the stairs for Plavet floor. Some steps to the studio entrance door I was greeted by a new beat and chorus in making and as I expected it animated the studio ,everybody was bending low and raising thumbs for the singer being recorded inside the booth and as I expected the singer was Fina, the Love of my heart. The lady i began to love at first sight. The lady I began to love from the very first day she's signed to our record label.
Producer Plavet and the overjoyed celebrity artists in the house did not notice I was standing among them until Fina raised her thumb and my heart vibrated with joy. Everyone turned, leapt, and hugged me. Maybe Fina has not blown the gaff. May be she keept my weird love secret. And my love for her instantaneously magnifiedd
Bandele said we are happy when our love is happy seeing us.
Bandele, carry go, you were right jare. Producer Plavet stood and pecked me raising his thump for Fina who elatedly howled in the booth to ride on. Fina soon rounded off the chorus and stepped out of the booth, smiling, she hugged me and I felt the whole of my body rising from sleep and just as I involuntarily moved to kiss her she slipped out of my grip and showed me , with gesticulation, a place to sit on the at-work artists sofa. I was nervous as I sat on the sofa. I was sure she noticed the change that took place in my body and I wondered if I have enraged her again, or augmented her enragement towards me.
Following Producer Plavet’s instruction she sat beside me and talked about the song. The song was about she founding love again and she’s telling it to the world, wishing the world will accept her new love without grunts. We stared at each other when she finished. I couldnt tell why she was staring at me but I was only staring at a young woman who just voiced my heart, a young woman excessively voluptuous; large-breasted, large-lipped and large-hipped wondering who her new love was. As she left me to create my verse and of course expecting it to be electrifying and captivating as my songs that had gone round the nation garnering awards for me, the quake of her hip revealed to me why people choose to be lesbians. Woman is a beautiful thing. And as she sets man’s heart on fire so she entices woman. Men will not have all the breasts, the lips and the hips alone. The inequality and cheat will be much for the matriarchy.
Bandele said you feel bad and behind the fence when you know there is a glitch that perturbs the mind of your love and you are unable to figure it out.
Bandele’s right. Categorically, something was in the mind of Fina and my inability to figure it out unnerved me. I really cared to know what she’s planning to do with what I told her. was she waiting to use me first? To get me finish her track before telling the world the category I belonged, the monster I was. As producer Plavet expected, before the half of three minutes I etched closer with the verse that had him nodding his head, hailing me and sending DJ Exploit to fetch Fina who had gone to the mini marts to get his favorite beer- Carlsberg’s Jacobsen Vintage.
Before Fina would make it upstairs I had been recorded; My backups, tenor and soprano punchings and when Producer Plavet played the verse Fina animatedly scuttled out of the studio, darted in and hugged me so tight I felt compartmentalized. We’ve dropped another award-winning track. She placidly dropped producer Plavet’s beer on his gazette’s desk and told us she’d soon be back sprinting out of the studio. I was exultant and confused. What’s she going out to do? She’s used me. was she on her way to the newspaper house down the road to have my inanities published?
I should have kept my feeling to myself. Honestly! A lesbian is not free in Nigeria
Fina soon emerged with an amorphous create of divergent expensive alcoholic drinks; a bottle of Antarctic Nale Ale, a bottle of Brewdog’s The End Of History , two bottles of Carlsberg’s Jacobsen Vintage indisputably for producer Plavet, a bottle of Schorschrau’s Schorschbock 57, a bottle of Samuel Adam’s Utopias, a bottle of Sink The Bismark and a bottle of Sapporo’s Space Barley. Seeing all these, Producer Plavet amplified the volume of the sound-track to the end filling the building with the new song that effortlessly got its admirers dancing into the spacious mega studio.
Around four fifty-two pm Producer Plavet and the artists in the house shook Fina and I for a job well done , tossed our ornate swigs for more wealth, awards and fame. After the strong drinks I became tanked-up almost blurting my mind and my heart but I felt Fina helping me out of the studio as everyone giggled funnily under the influence of liquor. I was blotto but I was certain I was not pushed softly into my own car. Fina settled me in her Murano, locked my car doors and drove her tigress into the well-lit street of Lekki. She did not drive me to my house, she did not roll me up to Bayo. She drove her Murano into the huge mansion she called her own as she rested me on a high and elegant bed in a sumptuous room with a lavender-capri chandelier bulbs filling the room with the tender lights of its color.
Fina woke me in the midnight. She’s in a transparent tangerine gown. Caron Poivre perfume suffocated me as she up-stretched my head from the pillow, the colour of wheat. An ivory saucer of coffee-filled cups settled on the table close to the bed. She turned me to the table smiling generously. As I sippedd a very hot and milky coffee exclusively immersed in the voluptuousness of her hip. As she relaxingly trod to the tall mirror standing beside the blue mantelpiece, I coughed. She came to help. When she leaned to clean my nose with brown blue-star dotted serviettes her large breasts juddered like ribbons to my face and I was too acutely roused I undid her gown and gave the tilt of her left breast a sharp suck. She huffed and moaned liberally as I moved to the other. As I travelled down her navel with desperate fingers she fell slowly on me. In the pool of vast ecstasy, I was thinking I’ve finally committed the worst evil she’d never forgive but she shocked me; with her teeth and tongue, she lightly wrenched my right breast and travelled into my vagina with her scattering right-hand fingers, the other fingers caressing the spot her the teeth and tongue relished.
We kissed each other profusely moaning and gashing each other’s pussy. After we made love, we birthed together in the bathroom wrapped in hot Poison Dior and as we did we averted our eyes as nippy as they locked. I was happy and seemed for once complete.
Bandele said you feel complete in the arms of your love.
Bandele was very very right. After dressing up and birthing ourselves with Clive Christians, the romantic fragrance she claimed to steal from her dad’s dressing table for carving a large hole in her heart we chewed Berco’s popcorn and gulped it with chilled Vintage pepsi-cola in a deluxe dining room. She enquired if I was really ready for lesbianism. Her light and tender smile hoisted my heart up the lectern of glee. I said yes. She abruptly glowered and gaited to the French window revealing the mist hanging on the wakening Lagos metropolis saying she wanted to be convinced I was a lesbian and ready for lesbianism. Lesbianism was a lovely thing but it had been termed vile and whacked in derision and hate. She wanted to be assured I was not one of those sent to mortify her again for loving the way she fancied, hence her rebukes of my online persuasions.
Only the world ‘Again’ widened my eyes. I stood up inquiring if she has once suffered for been a lesbian. She answered yes and said she decided therefore to be extremely careful in the world despising her kind. Fina’s father was a Nigerian senator, and when she pronounced his name he was the one, the prominent large-hearted brute who vagrantly repudiated the entrance of Gay bill into the House of Senate.
“He disdained my passion for music, she ostracized the one I choose to love . He caught i and Sandra making love in a First Class Hotel and the hell loosed. I was offered to the police that battered my skin on his instruction.....since then I realized I was forbidden from following my heart. Since then I realized the way I choose to love was weird’
She turned and faced my fidgeting self tears dropping in endless continuum from her eyes. She tapped me and continues.
'Am weeping, so do others weep out there in the dark. God isn’t crass when he made us free agents. To go by our own will. People should be allowed to live their lives the way they want it. If lesbianism is hell fire and some like us choose it why not let us go and burn. If homosexualism is a sepulchre why not let those who choose it go and sniff the reeks of grimes to death' .
All these were epiphanies too… so, we have all this while been caged birds, suffering the same compartmentalization of the society. I dabbed her tears with a blue kerchief, embraced her, and kissed her large lips wishing we will one day in our life time be freed to do this in the public without reproof and hate, without shame and ignominy.