The Great Green Wall
Destiny Joseph

The Great Green Wall

Destiny Joseph

2 months ago

Hola Neighbors,

With rising levels pf global warming, climate and growing concerns of soil and health conditions, scientists have resorted to adopting schemes, initiatives that will restore balance in nature and improve livelihood.

As we continue today, the 26th day the #DiscoverAfrica wrtiting experience I'll love to share with you an interesting project the some nations in the African continent under the auspices of the African Union (AU) are embarking upon to restore balance.

Let's talk about the Great Green Wall (GGW).

The Great Green Wall is interesting initiative aimed at combating desertification, climate change, and poverty in the Sahel region of Africa. Spearheaded by the African Union (AU), this project focuses on restoring degraded landscapes and revitalizing ecosystems in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions.

The Great Green Wall stretches across 11 African countries, spanning approximately 8,000 kilometers. The countries actively involved in investing in this project include: Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan and Chad.

Though still a work in progress, significant milestones have been achieved, such as restoring millions of hectares of degraded land and providing employment for thousands of people.

While the initiative holds great promise, it faces challenges such as limited funding, political instability, and the effects of climate change.

If established, the Great Green wall will be one of the biggest monument compared to the Great Barrier Reef which is situated in Australia. It is also one of the biggest corporately invested project undertaken by eleven (11) nations of the African continent.

Eco-friendly projects still remain the best ways to save our planet from detrimental chemical and man-made activities.

The Great Green Wall may seem impossible but with resillience, corporate on the part of all party nations, we will celebrate this incredible milestone.


📍Nigeria, Nigeria
📍Sudan, Sudan
📍Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso
📍Senegal, Senegal
📍Niger, Niger
📍Mauritania, Mauritania
📍Eritrea, Eritrea 📍Ethiopia, Ethiopia
📍Djibouti, Djibouti

2 months ago

Becky Oludayo Peleowo Destiny Joseph

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