adebukunola oladeinbo

The cross over night

adebukunola oladeinbo

1 month ago

#poetry chapbook#

At the polar night, a darkness deep,
A time for introspection, secrets to keep,
The midnight sun, a burning fire,
Illuminates the landscape, heart's desire,
Human fatering and dancing in the breezes,
With no hesitation to decrease,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance
Gazing the stars , with a glass of wine,
Looking up to the sky,to see a new moon
Seeing the wind tossing around,
Everywhere filled with a blank book
Cheers to the days and years ,
I lost and won,
That I cried myself to sleep,
Where pains made me so numb,
And all I had was God and hope,
Tho hard time still ahead to be fought
New year is like a blank book,
Which give pen in my hands,
Which inspired and gives me hopes,
The chance to write beautiful story,
Which brings ahead numerous suprises,

Abbukiah the poet 🔥

1 month ago

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