The Bloggers' Secret Code - The Currency of Style
7 years ago
The United States currency is dollars, and the Britsh, Pounds Sterling, almost everyone knows that. Recently, I started paying attention to Fashion and Style bloggers, because i love that space and I have some findings I'd like to share with you. Most fashion and style bloggers share one major similarity. It's a silent code, maybe unknown, it's the love of yellow.. Yellow is like their magic. I am working with the assumption that it's not a coincidence, because it's easier to find a yellow piece on a fashion blogger than a purple item. I chose blogs randomly and 8 out of 10 bloggers I found had a photo with the slightest yellow. Bloggers tend to crush on yello, they look for yellow walls, yellow backgrounds, or even a yellow color to get photographed.Let's start with @ronkeraji she writesYellow, How I love thee