The Bliss of ignorance!
Noble otamiri@nobleotamiri855179
1 year ago
Hail the light that I bring to you! And exalt the enlightenment of the awakened illuminate. The man ate of the tree of knowledge and became aware that he was only just a naked animal! He came into the enlightenment that in him lies the forces and the tendencies of the expression of good and evil. He came into the realization of nature, that in whatsoever existential state he is into was only incoperated in him by the chances of existenctial phenomenons, be it good or evil. Therefore nakedness wasn't the only awareness the man came into realization of about himself....He knew in him was self-centeredness, he knew in him was greed! was the curse of wickedness!He realized that all desires of his will could never become perfectly and ultimately satisfied, therefore lust became his thirst, he became the hunger himself, he became aware that truly all that is about existence is only but futility and vanity, therefore irrespective of the comfort of the rest of his kind, he held himself alone as his primary ambition, even if it means compromising the integrity of others.Of a truth the diety that blinded the eyes of men was wise! What could a wicked man be capable of doing if he realizes that there isn't any God! What could he be more capable of performing if he realizes that there isn't any consequence of all atrocities he commits, You who reads my monologue and philosophy do not realize the dark Forces that lies within your nature if your mind was opened to see the true essence of exististence, man therefore should only accept himself in the light of the lies of righteousness, than in the darkness of the truth of existence.Faith and belief truly has chained the mind of many dogs and lions. It is better to sleep! In the illusion of the nature of religion, for the purpose of the temperament of the devils that lies within our hearts, than for those devils to be free and to Wonder about in the great dark truth of reality!! Existence is evil, but should not be evil! Why therefore would I accept a reality beyond my power that should not be? When I could accept the delusion that should be!But we are the illumunati and we are aware that we are pure conciousness. The unity of awareness, the Utopia of oneness, we are awake into the realization of the nercersities of sleep and wokeness. Truly we are the gods that realises good and evil, with the opening of the third eye, while remaining in balance, while our desires we influence with compassion. A sleeping dog truly is better than a woken lion, however as conscious beings, have the power to create our own reality through our beliefs and actions.That we can choose to live in a state of "awakeness" where we are aware of the true nature of reality and can act with compassion and kindness? And that this is the way to create a better world, not through following dogmatic belief systems, but through using our own inner wisdom and Power. compassion!