Alhenchi  Boss

The beauty in life

Alhenchi Boss

1 year ago

Ok, so I heard a sonnet has 14 lines, so I decided, f**k it, I wanna try it....... so ...... I did this.....
What is the beauty in life?🥀

What is it that makes humans strive?🏋️

What exactly is their drive? 💪

What am I doing with a knife? 🔪

A little slash to my wrist 🩸

and my life ceases to exist 😵

I become nothing but a memory 👻

one that merely causes agony 😓

Buh agony disappears 🌫️

Life moves on without a hitch 🕘

I become forgotten like I fear 😰

Like something tossed in a bottomless ditch🕳️

So I ask again to those who strive,🏃

What is the beauty in life?🖤

Alhenchi 📝❣️

1 year ago

Henry Indighe

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