


6 months ago

In a time long past, by rivers' sorrowful embrace,
Where willows weep and the sun whispers it's gentle adieu with grace,
There he stood — the beautiful man from the west,
A vision mirroring the morning dew's tender zest.
As if the dawn itself had embodied in human hue.

In rapture, I lingered, captivated by his grace.
There, I heard him play a song.
The most exquisite melody my human ears had ever heard.
A melody gentle, as the tender hours of young love, with notes as soft as the dawn.
It stirred my heart with a graceful shove.

Lost in the melodic wonder, I lingered there,
A voice, soft as sand beneath my feet, filled my ears.
‘Why do you shed tears?' It whispered, gentle and near.
In reverie, I confessed,
'I shed tears for my heart rejoices, and yet it weeps, for it longs.'
‘Why?' It asked.
‘Because the young man is beautiful?
Or because his song is pleasant to the ears?'
In my trance, I replied, ‘No.
I shed tears, not for his beauty, nor the song,
But for the vivid dream, etched upon my dear soul.’

Then I felt it, a soft, gentle breeze as it gently blew past me.
And neither the soft voice nor the beautiful song did I hear again.
Along with his beautiful melody, the beautiful man had vanished,
Forever leaving my soul in shambles.
I pine for the day when, with refrain,
The beautiful man’s song will resound.
Till then, in dreams, I'll seek to attain
That fleeting moment, in hope unbound.


6 months ago

Oyih Joy

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