Norbert onwuachumba

Terminus of examination Acrasia

Norbert onwuachumba

7 months ago


Sitting afloat like an armchair
I glomed at my vellum
Busy with frivolities
I flowed in thoughts of heinous acts

I had flipped on series of options in my mind
Nothing was Left
Than to resort to acrasia
Squeezing in pieces of stuffs in my socks
My plan was to utilise this aura
An aura of writing with foreign aides

in my quest to display unscrupulousness
I was clasped by the Argus eyed invigilator
In my gimmick I tried to escape
But behold my doom
The terminus of examination acrasia

This time, I pondered in my heart with rue
If I had burned the midnight candles
If I had evitiated the party dangles
And grasped academia
I would have not been doomed

Held and drawn to and fro
My dignity was abashed
Taken to the school Senate
A panel of enquiry was set up
I had my matter scrutinized

Found blameworthy of the act
The school promulgated my expulsion
That was my worst expedition
Deep down my spines I frozed
Wailing and weeping uncontrollably
For I knew I have lost the intended future

That becomes the terminus of my formal education
Full of depression
And succinct personal confusion
I resorted to waywardness
Behold the sad rhyme of my existence


7 months ago

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