Ten ways to be happy
Alhenchi Boss@chinedualfred308141
1 year ago
Being happy, what does that line even mean?🤷.... I often pondered, but i couldn't really reach an answer. How does one knows for sure that he/she is truly happy 😕? Does the fact that I don't know mean that I'm unhappy?... Seeing no possible end to this fruitless pondering, I asked google ten probable ways to live happier and here's what I got;
Exercise🏋️..... This felt dumb, why would exercising make me happier, wasn't the point of exercising, fitness and health? Anyway I tried it though, from push-ups to weight lifting, sitting ups and jogging, all of it, I felt stronger for sure, my body became tougher and muscular but I couldn't really say I felt happier, even in the slightest 😑
Sleep more😴...... At this point, I was nearly certain I was getting a tutorial on how to live healthier. But I tried it though, one could almost say I was desperate. Sleeping only seem to boost my depression, It made me realize how sad and lonely my life was, just staring at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep, all these thoughts lingering above me and I ended up overthinking more than I did sleeping. Sleep sure as hell didn't work out.
Spend time with family and friends👥.........I won't lie, this worked out pretty nicely, anytime I was around them, I forgot everything, the only thought that circled my head were the jokes and stuffs and I genuinely smiled a couple of times but I wouldn't say I became particularly happy at the end though 😕...... and when I got home alone with my thoughts, it all came flooding back, everything hitting me at once and I broke down 😓
Get outside more🏞️...... I didn't even bother with this, 'a waste of time' I thought, I was outside, every other day and the feeling I felt at that point was nothing near happy, if anything, a longing to go home🤦
Help others🤝...... Sounded reasonable enough, I mean maybe the satisfaction of helping someone out would make me genuinely happy, wrong! All it did was make me depressed of how selfish humanity was, and how no one was ever truly grateful about anything and only used you as a stepping stone regardless of how kind you were to them in the past. The world was a game of cat and mice where the kind were preyed on, kindness was a weakness and in the end nice guys finish last 😔
At this point, I was halfway through the list and I wondered 'Was I happier? Was it working? Is this not just a waste of time? Was the concept of happiness not just a fraud? Was anyone truly happy? Is pretending to be happy not human's very nature? Is the standards for happiness not to high for a mortal to reach? What exactly defines the word happiness?'
Anyways ....
Part 2 to be written soon .....🥲
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Alhenchi 📝🖤