leonard muli

stones inside

leonard muli

30 days ago

My candle is always lit,
everyone uses the light,
except me the one with the light,
I can't see despite the candle being lit,
because the light has no bright light.

I cook,wash and clean,
but every time they say "not clean",
why are their hearts not clean?
because mine is very clean,
it can't handle the words that aren't clean,

but who will fight for me,
my soul has already left me,
because it couldn't suffer with me,
my in-laws weren't made for me,
but this is me,
there are stones inside me,
they don't see them inside me,
where is the husband who married me?,

May his soul rest in peace,
although there is no peace,
I did not kill my husband.
I did not kill my husband.


30 days ago

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