Sow me and watch me Grow
Ezichi Faithful@ezichifaithful
9 months ago
Lay me down and let me be.
Free from the strife and from the toil.
Years I watched them grow, shooting like vines up a brick wall,
Now my time has come, plant me in earth and let me grow.
Lay me down and release my soul.
Unburden my spirit from the bond we shared; our journey over time and space,
Our traverse of the earth's green face.
Upon one time I saw my father's hands grafted within a baobab in the southern desert,
Then again, I saw my mother's voice tangled amongst a river bank flourishing with lilies.
Many starry nights I have seen, in the skies and in your eyes,
Lay me into the black and let me be, sow me in the earth and watch me bloom.
Lay me down one with dust, let me feel mother nature's trust.
Hold me in your arms and I rot, put me betwixt my mother's hug and I live.
Sow me like a seed into the earth, let me grow a mighty oak, watch your young and provide them shade,
Feed them parts of my soul and gather them breeze.
Sow me, a seed to make a tree.
Remember my father sown sprouted, and my mother locked gently in earth blossomed
Lay me down and let me be, one with dust, one with earth.
Lay me one with the earth, let me sprout lilies that blossom by your windows edge, I'll scent the air with my warm smell and in summer when the day is hot, you'll sit under my shade and smell my nectre.
Oh lover of my perfect years!
Lay me down and let me be, sow me, your precious little seed.