Silent Sorrows
Oma Eze@omaeze005640
3 months ago
Silent Sorrows
She runs, she hides
She doesn't know what lurks within
She feels the change but doesn't know where to begin
She cowers in fear
At the whispers and snares
She's heard of it before
Of how it took her sisters and more
They said it was a murderer, who didn't care
For the life of any
HPV lurks in the shadows, looking for who to snag
Frail victims who do not know of its existence or truth
Steadily it consumes, devouring
Shadows conceal the signs
Waiting for the right time to act
Look beyond the mountains, dearest child
Salvation has been found
Like the sunrise, hope hovers over the sky
Rekindling faith, renewing life
The vaccine shields, the battle is won
The war is won when all are aware
Of the life thief's presence
Spread the news far and wide
Let everyone know that we can combat it now
Early diagnosis saves the day
And the vaccine shields away
Do not keep silent anymore
Do not cower in fear
Speak up and speak loud
For the war is ours to win
Fair and square
Please encourage the women and girls around you to get vaccinated with the HPV vaccine and get regularly tested too
@nirclepoetry @nircle @nirclesupport