She Missed a Kiss
Mufasa Young

She Missed a Kiss

Mufasa Young

4 months ago

I was there only physically, not knowing that my mind was capturing everything
While flashing my smile to signify all was okay, my mind was capturing her scrolling through the phone every now and then,
She looked good in jeans but deep down, I desired that red dress with a see-through view of the thighs.
I sacrificed everything to make it happen, but to her, there’s was nothing special about it; that unapologetic serpent
Eve was lucky, she got an apple to bite,
It was not my lucky day, she even missed the kiss, claimed that she was never into that biz
Most times I never showed up, my logic; demand and supply
she was from an able family while mine was abled differently
My pockets too shallow but what I felt for her so deep
But all in all, I’m still hopeful, I’m still full of love,
my heart is still beating, it’s full of life and the hope of finding its keeper.
Sometimes patience is a virtue but most times, self-love comes first, and it’s never an easy task.
#poetry #nirclefeeds #nirclecommunity #love #poemoftheday #intimacy #poeticjustice #trending
#HelloNircle #MUFASA

4 months ago

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