jerry KWATCHEY@kwatcheyjerry128608
14 days ago
I sit on the bed, foot clutched in my hand. I look on with shock, at the tiny shards of glass embedded in my foot. I thought I swept the room clean of any residue of the glass. Shock and realization hit me full in the face. There I was, walking my room in utter confidence, bare footed at that time. Distance has not changed how I feel for you. I miss you more than words can say. How I lost you is entirely my fault. You lie in the arms of another and its my fault. I now realize that you were the sun lit my world. I hold a candle in hand, trying to replace a light which I took for granted. A candle lighting a universe, is a stark picture indeed. The glass broke, I swept it up and moved on, oblivious to the fact that you still lived on in my heart. Now clutching my foot on my bed, it hits me, like the tiny shards of glass in my foot, there are a million tiny shards of you orbiting my heart.