Takbam ebenezer@ebenezertakbam
1 year ago
Africa my land!
Africa my land
Filled up with honey
Pure like the stream waters
Flowing like the morning waters
Flying in colors
Like a dove
The black man
The beauty of the world
Colored with the hands of mighty
The black skin
Which is dignity
No no one claims
Yet it's dynamic
Everyone loves it
Africa my land!
Suffered in cargo
Cage in chains
You've received the whip
Without a hiss
That's the black Power !
So strong amidst creatures
Different in color
Perfect in structure
I call you my pride
My promised land
Africa my land
Black blade blood
The river of hope
Filled with strength
Covered with anchor
Is you!
Oh! Oh!
What a creature?
I can't tell
Just like the Savannah river
Drip! Drip!
You flow in my heart
Oh! The land of milk
I'll sink sing
Songs to you
Never forgetting that Africa
The giant of the nations!
I call you!