#poemforAfricans #Written: Ebenezer Takbam
Takbam ebenezer@ebenezertakbam
1 year ago
African Music Unbound_The Waters Of Africa
From the drop of the rain
Like a flashing thunder
Dim! dim! dim!
Into the soil
Sinking! Sinking!
The waters of Africa
Like the sound of magic
Capturing the ears of the world
Beautiful and amazing rhythm
From the mother tongue
The black tongue
Which is power
Which is mighty
Like a magnet
Conquering the irons to itself
Deep into the nature
Like an angelic queen
Dancing into the voice of season
With a greater reason
Far away into the skies
The skies agels admire
The beauty of thy song
Seraphic tunes
From the blessed tongue
The giant of nations
You echoe into the birds ears
Your unlimited voice
Like the sound of a horn
Blasting into melody of affection
The tongue of angels
The tongue of angelic angels
You're like a singing bird
Sleeping down into his bed
Laying and singing
Melodies to the world
Captivating nations to her world
Just can't hold back a dime
To praise your tongue
Placed with harmony And beauty !
When I hear your Melody
I feel I'm in love .
When I'm lonely
You keep my company
With your magical voice
When pains seems to crash me
You comforted me with your rhythm
That's the power of African tongue!

1 year ago

1 year ago