POEM A Quick Goodbye
Kioko Professor@professorkioko775845
2 months ago
Have you ever lost your dearest ones? Personally I did. This poem suits you.
We have been together,
Caring for each other,
Even in bad weather,
Rocks sometimes wither,
And when I saw you in bed,
My eyes were already red,
I thought I was the one to Lead,
But my heart could bleed,
Now that you gone,
The place we call heaven,
Try to smile at me even,
That's why my dream sweeten,
Since you are gone,
All things apart are torn,
My heart is still swollen,
My true soldier fallen,
I wish you could carry with you a camera,
Zoom the events up there without an error,
This life without you is bitter than Aloevera,
But we believe to meet in paradise not Ahera.