pen down the ghost
Job Emmanuel@jobemmanuel287236
8 months ago
In shadows deep where whispers glide,
We pen down ghosts, where fears reside.
With ink that flows like midnight's tide,
We weave tales of souls untied.
In every creak, in every moan,
The spectral dance, the unknown throne.
With trembling hands, our words are sown,
Capturing echoes of the unknown.
From ancient halls to forests dense,
We chase the specters, hearts intense.
With each penned line,
we commence To explore the realms of recompense.
Yet 'tis not just tales we craft,
But mirrors of our own shadows daft.
For in the ghostly, we find the raft To navigate our fears en masse.
start with analyst Forte apparently,
to showcase ones fantasy.
Fight against beast of prey,
at the gate momentum astray.
So pen down the ghost, let words alight,
Illuminate the darkness, banish fright.
For in the ink, we claim our might,
And conquer the realms of ghostly night.