our diversities becomes beautiful and unify like tributaries of a river.
micheal morgan@michealmorgan028179
1 year ago
#legendary blue.
"Legendary blue"
Eminence!! Thy legendary echoes,
In olde tongues they whisper to me.
"Water canst kill, thee hath no enemy"
Stands true, till thou falleth into the face of the deep!! Boes!
Oh mighty waters of africa!! Every part of thee I exalt
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt
Dual face of thy great and vast blue.
Murderer of some, mother to many beast and crop.
Oh courtesy!! Thou mighty saviour in a menial's cup,
Unbounded thy reverberating lips tones across coast undue.
Oh mighty waters of africa!! Every part of thee I exalt.
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
Listen to the wild chirping aves of spring and summer,
They pue thy glory from South africa to Congo!
Oarsmen chants thy tales at the delta of Okavango!!
The Bozos lay their loveless loved on the bed Of Nige!!
Oh mighty waters of africa!! Every part of thee I exalt
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
scouting from the eyes of the giant of africa,
On still waters, ye beautiful stellars above are painted.
Saturated with it's clearness, stands our vision untainted.
Whereas flowing tears of joy, surges thou!! River Niger!
Oh mighty waters of africa!! every part of thee I exalt.
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
How much of thy tapestry can I Morgan unfold?
Much more than the heavy words of my poetry entails.
Magnificent!! I behold thee swallow the mighty whales.
A billion and a thousand more kinds thy fist can hold!!
Oh mighty waters of africa!! every part of thee I exalt.
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
Shall I forget thee? Great Nile!
Thy subtle and sheen vein-like marine, stems with abundant crypt,
An islet of history, thy Giza pyramid of Egypt.
Oh Nile, our african longest resolution for hope, food and smile.
Oh mighty waters of africa!! every part of thee I exalt.
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
Who art thou to compare the riches of her bank?
For ye, yet blind even testifies,
The glory of thy treasuries that flies,
Aloft continents, north, south poles and flank.
Oh mighty water of africa!! every part of thee I exalt.
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.
Recite ye!! Great poets, thy rhapsody,
For even ye hardened in ears can hear the musics of cultures,
Travelling from the people she nurtures.
In music, thee, africa waters we serenade this melody.
Oh mighty waters of africa!! every part of thee I exalt
Sweeter than a honey, tastier than salt.

1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago