***One Last Embrace***
Kingsley Bassey Ukpong@kingsleybasseyukpong131493
7 months ago
One Last Embrace
Vague lies the emanations of absence
The smiling face of doom
In brightening gloom reassuring
The wearied steps of feeble mortals
With life burdened, the scorn of death
Shunned forlorn and, and what?
At noon day the nightmares of a torrid life
This blissful gift of mortal woes
Heavens reject and mortal doom.
O death! One last embrace
Before the cock crows with the roasters
Before the egrets return to nest on land day forlorn
Before the sun is veiled in golden hues of dusk
Before the clouds in councils gather to weep upon the earth
Before the harmattan holds to ransom every greenery and blossoming flowers
Before the protruding womb gives birth to another prey
Before seconds turns minutes, minute’s hours, hours days, days weeks, weeks months, months years
Before ages flees with the shadows of time rendering youths gray
Before the coffin maker learns his trade
Before the undertaker buries his first guest
Before the grave opens its bowels to our reception,
O death! One last embrace
One last kiss from her faithful lips
One last hug from her faithful paps
One last I miss you before the earth claims her trophy in deaths clutch.
For vague lies this emanation
And to prayers and gumption I ruminate
All but for one last embrace…
JBK Baruch
5th June, 2023