Marvellous Godsadler@marvellousgodsadler612767
1 year ago
once upon a time , During one of the Christmas period when I was still a minor , I think I was still in primary 4 or 5 . I can't really remember the exact class I was in .
my Dad just came back from theological school (they were on vacation )and we were all happy and having our Daddy-daughter moments .
our christmas those seasons were more like the trenches kind of Christmas , you know what I mean now , one chicken will be used to cook both stew and soup .
my sweet mum would try a little to spice up things. she would bring drinks(fanta ,coke etc) from her shop on Christmas Eve , she would also buy cabbage and other veggies for salad. she doesn't also miss the toy -buying aspect .
she made sure each of us got beautiful toys to pose with . she also bought us eye glasses and wrist watches .
I love my mum so much, she is the best indeed.
This is not the climax of my story , I'm heading there .
It was chicken- eating day , you know now . everybody anticipating the eating time .
mum had already already finished making the stew and the rice . the salad too was ready . everything set , everyone set.
Something strange happened . I don't know what entered me and told me to head to the kitchen.
I obeyed the voice , went straight to the kitchen and opened the stew pot filled with chicken 🍗.
I dipped my hand into the pot and collected a piece and ate.
I quickly and gently covered the pot so skillfully to avoid the clashing sound of the pot cover to be heard .
After eating the mouth full piece , I wiped my mouth and went back to the parlour and joined the others .
it was time to share the meal , my mum was in the kitchen while we all waited in the parlour .
my mum gave a distress call , she called on my elder sis to come meet her in the kitchen.
when my mum called her , my heart was already beating fast because I was scared she had found out and found out so just early.
That voice that told me to steal the meat came again🤣 .this time it came to comfort me and give me words of assurance . it told me not to be scared that the meat is much and that my mum would find it difficult to notice that one was missing ( you don't shaa know African mothers ) .
I became rest assured after the voice spoke to me.
It was evening already, we had finished eating and enjoying our trenches Christmas celebration. it was indeed blissful.
I can't really remember how exactly. I think we were all Called . I mean my parents called us together.
my mum then threw the big question.
“Who took meat from the pot ?"
Hei !!! God I wanted at that point to disappear or just be swallowed up by the earth . I was already shaking and it was very obvious .
I opened up fearfully....
“mum , dad I'm the one "
my parents were so disappointed in me , infact they were shocked and kept on saying it was a spirit that possessed me .
This is because in my house since we were born till that point, there had not been a record of stealing of any kind in my house .
my parents would drop their money , and still meet it there.
They were so shocked , angry and disappointed that meat was missing in the pot, in our house ahhhhh.
now this is the climax of my story 🤣
my parents were bent on exorcising the demon that entered me that day .( shey you've watched Pope's exorcist 🤣).
my dad rushed out of the house , guess what he came back with 🤣🤣😭
He came back with a bag of gravel ... you know gravel right?
that is konkiri that's been used to build bricks🤣.
He brought out a news paper , spread it on the ground, poured the gravel on the paper and told me to kneel on the gravel.
it was hell 🤣 who send me go steal meat oooo
This devil ehhh , he didn't even come to save me .
my dad brought out one of his strong belts and flogged the demon out of me 🤣.
My mum was near , adding salt to the injury with her mouth .
I'm laughing now oo but that day , who saw my teeth Kwan 😅
I cried my eyes out , I didn't know which pain was much , the whippings or the gravel I knelt on .
And truly the demon left 🤣.
that was the first and the last time I stole meat from pot.
When it was approaching dinner time , my dad still called me and did his normal “beat a child with the right hand and draw him close in love with the left".
I learnt my lessons and I love my parents for their disciplines while we were growing up as kids . it's really paying off now .
I love you mummy and Daddy.
prov 22:6 ...
This young generation parents , train your children oo , use the rod of correction to exorcise the demons of destruction that has come to make waste destinies.
flog them oo , they won't die ,