October Nircle Short Story Contest
Nircle Story@nirclestory
4 months ago
Hey storytellers, it's time to share your African-themed story in a short story format and participate in the October short stories challenge.
How It Works:
Submit your story for the October 2024 challenge using the Nircle Story Creator for a chance to win $60, $40, or $30, along with a feature on Nircle’s pages!
Theme: Your story should have an African-themed storyline. All literary types are accepted, including fiction and non-fiction.
Submission Deadline: Submit your story by November 17, 2024.
Format: Stories must be submitted using the Nircle Story Writing tool multiple chapters and be created using the Nircle Story Creator Tool. Here’s how to post your story -
No hashtag is needed since you will be submitting in chapter format using the story creator. Visit link to learn how to use the Nircle Story creator tool.
Judging Criteria:
Stories will be judged based on:
Content Quality: How well the story is written, its creativity, and engagement with the theme.
Engagement: Number of reads and interactions your story receives on Nircle.
Creativity and Originality: Does the story present fresh ideas, innovative plots, or unique perspectives on the African theme? Does it stand out from typical narratives?
Cultural Representation: How well does the story incorporate elements of African culture, traditions, or settings? Is the representation respectful and authentic?
Writing Style: The fluency and tone of the writing—whether it’s compelling, engaging, or stylistically unique. Does the author use descriptive language and literary techniques effectively?