Jatau Lumumba@lumumbajatau995415
2 months ago
O, long-awaited Truth! Descent from heaven above
And shower on me thy mercy and thy love
My failings have stamped on me their black mark;
Please light up my conscience, gloomy and dark.
Self-pity has enveloped my whole being
And blinded my eyes, preventing me from seeing
The path of growth and in others, belief
From my shortcomings help me find relief.
Whenever my anger roars and thunders
It makes me commit all sorts of blunders!
It crumbles my will to do good deeds
Makes me look small and to shame it leads!
O truth, pure and ever sublime
To drive away my passions and guilt, tell 'time'
Cool my senses and light up my mind,
So that home in my heart, LOVE may find.
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