Amada Paul Israel


Amada Paul Israel

4 months ago

In the quiet corners of the night,
Where whispers echo, hearts ignite,
A word erupts like thunder’s clap,
Unruly passion, the world’s mishap.

A sacred scream, a rebel's cry,
It cuts through silence, daring the sky,
With every syllable, defiance swells,
A tale of love, of longing, of hells.

In lustful embrace, it shatters the calm,
In anger, it roars, a tempest, a balm,
A paradox wrapped in a single breath,
Life's chaos, its beauty, its dance with death.

Yet beneath the fury, a longing persists,
For connection, for meaning, in fleeting trysts,
So let it be raw, let it cut like a knife,
In the heart of the storm, lies the essence of life.

4 months ago

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Babatunde Ajala @babatundeajala893764
Life is no bed if roses for no one regardless of what you think you presently enjoy. It is either you go through the storm of life yourself, or some progenitors go through it for you. Even, if the later is your experience, you will still have your fair share of the storm because I. the heart of the storm, lies the essence of life.
4 months ago