My pen,paper and love
catherine john@catherinedafuus946946
1 year ago
Dear Valentine,
I confess to you that,
my pen bleeds over and over for you,
even when my heart says not true,
even when I beg this blazing furnace to stop burning and this organ to stop beating.
My paper begs to be the earthly archive of my wanderings of you and how bad I choose to hide.
Even when I tell it to curl up and form an almost hideous thing to push away the kisses of my pen,
adamant it remained.
Even when alas, I thought rest has come, slowly and painfully resurfacing the restlessness and loud thuds of my heart, the crispy sensation and relentless urge to hold on to my pen and enhance its intercourse with the paper once again.
The persistence to yield and let the musings of you take the scepter.
Then I realized my heart won’t rest, my pen and paper won’t halt until the you it wanted is perfectly painted.